
I can’t believe that two years ago, I was dealing with a 3 month old. Now, he’s a rambunctious, thoughtful, and well spoken two year old who is ready for school.

We had an orientation yesterday with his teachers (he has 4, but I believe only 3 are in the class at any given time) and learned a bit about the room. The only gripe I have is that this is not really a big room for 15 people! But the teachers seem very interested in his well being and it looks like he will have a good time. (Oh, another gripe is that they require tote bags instead of backpacks for some weird reason.)

Today, we had our first class, but only for an hour. Parents were instructed to observe but not interact, which was easy for the most part. David played with the sand table, the kitchen, the legos, and the magnet gears. There was also a music session in the corner (the teacher sang songs). David got bored quickly (again, it’s very closed in) and he wanted to play with some toys, so I had to interact and tell him to focus on the activity at hand.

Pretzels and apple wedges were served for snack, and David gobbled everything up. Of course, he didn’t actually eat the apples until after he saw mommy try to eat his apple (the same went for his nametag which he refused to put on until mommy tried to wear it), but afterward, he stuck the whole thing in his mouth and I had to take it out since that’s a big piece of apple to put in one’s mouth!

Finally, we had about 10 minutes of playtime on the playground, which is actually quite nice. David played on the tricycles (he can’t ride it yet, but he does like sitting on them). There was also a castle that he explored with one of his classmates, Amalya. The teachers then said that class was over, and David didn’t like that at all. I had to pull him out of the playground kicking and screaming — quite literally.

I think he will like coming back to school tomorrow. Hopefully my eventual disappearance won’t cause too much of a stir though!

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