
David has some hilarious stories when it comes to using gender references.

About 10 days ago, David addressed me as “sir.” I told him I wasn’t a sir, that he should call me “ma’am.” He goes “Mommy’s not a man! Daddy’s a man!”

Fast forward to today. I don’t normally turn off my computer, but I needed to do something today due to some sound interference. David asks me, “Why is mommy’s compooner off? It’s broken.” I take his bait and nod my head silently. He says “We need the help guy.” Mind you, I built the computer. I would know how to fix it. I say in response, “Mommy is the help guy.” David is baffled. He says, “Mommy’s a lady. Mommy’s not a help guy. Daddy’s a help guy.”

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