Getting Little.

Since I gave birth to Sarah, I lost 26 lbs (unless you want to count when I was actually pregnant – that would have been a 38 lb loss!). David seems to notice. This morning, he tells me, “You’re getting little, mommy.” I was confused. Was I getting old? Am I shrinking? I asked what he meant by that. He says “You are out of diet!” Cause and effect. Glad he picked up on that. But then he got worried that I would become so little like a baby and urged me not to become a baby. I told him I would not become a baby.

Sarah is doing great. She’s a happy hungry girl who must weigh more than 12 lbs now (she was 8 lb 11 oz when she was 6 weeks old and 11 lb 8 oz when she was 2 months old). She’s 2.5 months old now. She likes to wake up and play in the middle of the night and she also likes to eat in the middle of the night. Of course, that’s normal. I’m still waiting for her to sleep through the night though. For example, last night she woke up twice, once at 2:30am and once at 4:50am. She’s still too early for sleep training, and I’ve had little time to get her on a good schedule. We have a nanny now who is helping with that, however.

One of the things I want to note for myself since I didn’t write it anywhere and I’m starting to forget things is the difference between kids’ births (beyond what was mentioned here). David had a biliruben issue; we had to get tested 2 or 3 times (and it wasn’t ideal since it was Memorial Day weekend). Sarah had an issue with the Coombs test; apparently my blood type (O+, I think; apparently I had gone my entire life thinking I was A+ and now I can’t keep it straight) was rejecting her type (B+, which is also Brian’s and David’s). Thankfully, all kids are good now though!

David still loves his little sister. He kisses her up. He hasn’t held her yet nor does he seem to want to. We also don’t want to get him in the habit. However, David has changed in the sense that he is definitely naughtier now to get the attention he apparently really misses. He likes spilling water on the floor, running away from his parents, throwing silverware, and especially going to bed. I guess he feels sad that mommy, daddy, and Sarah are all together in the other room and he’s alone. We changed his bedtime from 10pm to 7:30-8:30pm and we now put on classical music before he goes to sleep AND we keep the door wide open. Usually, he doesn’t go to sleep for another two hours even with that, but at least he’s in bed and not trying to come out afterward and making excuses to pee or drink water (usually). I guess it’s true what they say that it’s a real adjustment to be a big brother.

We’re going to be moving soon, I think, and we put an offer down on a house. We’re really excited to move there and let the family grow. 🙂

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