Birthday Cakes.

A few years ago, I bought David these awesome Zoob Jr. building blocks. We play with them every so often, and this morning I awoke to find that he had taken them out of the bag and was entertaining himself. A few minutes ago, David came in with the red disk that is enclosed and 5 yellow pieces and he said “look! A birthday cake and the candles!” I blew them and said “I made a wish that David is the best!” and he replied with “I made a wish that I love you.”

Sarah continues to grow and she’s starting to want out of the stroller we normally plop her down in between feedings and when she’s not in the crib, on her tummy, or in the swing we have. She’s probably going to get an early start on walking (she can stand up pretty well, though lately she gives up and lets her knees buckle sooner, probably because she’s plumping up and getting tired of holding herself up!). She used to HATE tummy time, but now she seems to be good with it. She hasn’t turned over yet (except when she was about 3-4 weeks old and was very very angry). The little girl is still a work in progress. 🙂

We’re trying to train David to stand up while peeing (he can sit as part of the potty training regimen) and sometimes he does wonderfully. Other times, not so much. At least, not so much when Brian is apparently watching. The ladies seem to not have any trouble at all. David also discovered the standard male hole in his briefs and has been having a field day showing us what he can do there.

If all goes well, we’ll be moving out of our apartment and into a house with a huge yard soon. We are very excited to give this to our children: their own rooms, a gorgeous yard for them to run around in, and a floor that they can actually play with noisy toys on without fear of bugging the downstairs (and very anal) neighbors!

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