
Yesterday marked my due date (#1; my secondary due date is 11/27) for the birth of Alana. Today, she’s 26 days old, or 3.5ish weeks.

Today was also the first day we decided to give her tummy time. If it were up to me, I’d have done it right when her umbilical cord fell off, but my (new) pediatrician said two months, though I never waited that long with her older sibs.

I guess the issue was the baby needs to exhibit a good deal of head control.

HELLO doctors, you don’t know my kids. 🙂

Within the first five minutes on her tummy, my little boss turned over.

A fluke? I set up a video camera. Thirty eight seconds later, she turned over again.

And again.

And again.

So yeah, you don’t know my kids, doc.

Also, now that she’s ~40 weeks gestational age, it’s amazing to see the difference of her development. When she came out, the doctors noticed under her diaper that she was still developing. Now, she looks fully developed there — it’s true and it’s amazing to see the difference.

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