Just kidding.

Sarah now goes to school full time. She’s doing well. I just got back from curriculum night where the teachers tell the parents what the kids are up to in a consolidated 20 minute night, and while I still have no full picture, her teacher told me she’s always smiling…except when she shows her stubborn side (and yes, she is very stubborn). 🙂

I’ve been meaning to share a little more of her cuteness.

Sarah likes to sing. If she’s particularly happy, she’ll be singing some song she completely makes up.

Which is great.

But she also loves to learn songs at school.

She LOVES real world applicability of those songs. When she hears them outside the classroom, it makes her ecstatic. She beams, “My morahs know that song!!!!”

(So far, she’s done it for Torah tzivah lanu Moshe and Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes…)

Also, another thing Sarah does is funny – I don’t even know where it came from. We play Spot It! which is fantastic. Sarah is pretty good at it too. But she’s gotten sneaky. Basically, the object of the game is to identify something on the card you have in front of you that matches with the card that is in the center. Sarah often sees some random picture, and just because she CAN, shouts out something completely random, followed by “just kidding.”

I have no idea where it even came from.

David is learning to read. He’s also in the Boy Scouts. He’s enjoying it a lot. Both he and Sarah have after school on Mondays; David is in cooking and Sarah is in baking. On Monday, David came home with plate after plate of rainbow cookies (and very blue hands) and Sarah came home with a cupcake (and chocolate frosting). Naturally, she ate the chocolate frosting for dinner and had nothing else. The cupcake followed a day later. Meanwhile, David’s cookies are still on the plates.

Alana is up to no good but she’s super cute and lots of fun. Her favorite place in the house is in a pink pop up castle tent that Aunt Aliza bought Sarah for Chanukah. We also have a massive teddy bear in there from Bubby and Zaide and she loves going in there and rolling all over the softness.

She can say pretty much only one thing, “bye bye.” She also uses the hand motions but not as much. She’s beginning to clap though! And she knows how to crawl just fine but prefers commando style.

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