Funny baby.

Alana is getting cuter and cuter. Now that she walks, she commands the room with the things she does. As I write this, she’s walking around with a dish towel that she has routinely wrapped around her head to look like some sort of babushka.

One of the cutest thing she does is on Friday nights. Every night before Kiddush, Brian goes around and blesses the children. First, David gets his blessing, followed by Sarah, and then, Alana. When Alana was very young, she hated when Brian put his hands on her head to give her the blessing. She didn’t want to be touched.

Not anymore!

Now, when it’s time for the blessing, Alana is ready! She puts her hands on her head, so as to tell Daddy, “Hey, I’m waiting for you!”

1 thought on “Funny baby.”

  1. She puts her hand on her head before I even bless David. She knows when it’s blessing time based on the fact that Eishet Chayil just ended.

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