
Sarah started camp on Monday. She is having a great time!

She is in a co-ed group with 2 girl counselors, if I recall, and 2 boy counselors.

I asked her today if she remembered her counselors’ names.


“Bread? You mean Brad?”

“Bread! His name is Bread!”

No matter what I say to her, she insists that he’s bread. She cannot tell me what kind of bread he is, be it french toast, rye bread, pumpernickel, or whatever else, but his name is “Bread.”

Fair enough, I’ll leave her to that thought. On a similar note, when I was around her age, we had a neighbor named Anne and I always thought she was “Aunt” though I could not understand why she had such a family-endearing name when she was never considered family.

Update July 4: P.S. His name is Brent.

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