Danny at the doctor.

Yesterday, little D and his older May siblings went to the doctor for their annual physicals. Danny got a Hep A immunization and then a finger prick. While I was with the elder kids being seen by the doctor, the little one was getting a finger prick.

Danny is a drama queen. Literally. When he got his finger prick, he cried a lot. According to my babysitter who was with him in the waiting room, Danny was playing with the toys only with one hand, holding his little arm with the prick against his body. And when you’d touch his hand or finger near the prick area, he’d go “ow ow ow,” even long after he got the prick.

Today, I’ve been told that he sings in the car. He knows all of Demi Lovato’s “Tell Me You Love Me.” I have only heard him sing one word, but I’ll be waiting to capture that.

(HELLO — for everyone here, where are my YouTube subscribers at? Sarah and David need your support! They’re so cute!!!)

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