Little Alana is 13 months old. She started walking too! Here’s a video:
Of course, in that same video (beyond the point captured above), she also stepped on something, tried to pull it out from under her feet, and landed squarely on her face, splitting her lip in two places. After the blood stopped gushing, she was a little less willing to walk as much but she’s been giving it a go regardless – she’s just not as carefree as she was before.
She doesn’t say Mommy. I don’t think her “M” is fully defined yet. Every time you ask her to say something that starts with the letter M, she thinks it’s a B. Mama is Baba, and Mommy is Bobby. Meh. Of course, that makes her grandmother think she’s talking about her, BUT NO SHE IS NOT! kthx.
The funny thing is that when I actually tell Alana to say Mommy (and occasionally do so by pointing at myself), she points to herself and says “Baby.” She knows something. I’m not sure what she’s doing there but I guess I’m enjoying her efforts at communicating things her way.