Email address.

I don’t seem to write much here anymore, but today I have something a little cute to share (as always when I post here). Sorry for my silence; there’s a lot going on.

Sarah turned 6 on Friday. This hot toy on the market, these LOL balls with surprise dolls and accessories inside, is Sarah’s desired present. It’s a collection so you can buy multiples and likely will not end up with the same one unless you have quite a lot.

We got a few already, but they’re so hot that I can’t buy the ones I want to buy as they’re sold out. I just have to wait till they’re available again. In fact, there are two sizes: the generally large size (not available) and these “Lil Sisters,” smaller balls with smaller babies. I wanted to order 3 Lil Sisters, but they limited to two per account. I have two Amazon accounts, one for me and one for my LLC, just because they told me I should open a business account earlier this week, not that I sell anything or do anything with my LLC at this time. And since they’re so hard to get, I ended up buying four. (Good timing and finally the best use of my LLC to date.)

We decided that when Sarah gets her LOLs, we’ll create unboxing videos, as her older brother David is doing videos for Pokemon cards and already built a tiny bit of traction which is impressive for a kid who just uploaded a couple of videos and did nothing thereafter. I created a YouTube channel for Sarah, but initially, I thought we required an email address to set her up (she has one, still not being used). So I said aloud, “We’re going to need your email address.”

Sarah asks, “What’s an email address?”

Later in the conversation, I mention that I have to upload a file to the server (her profile graphic), to which she asked, “What’s a file?”

For me, this is crazy talk — we are such a tech-savvy family that it surprises me that she thinks I’m talking another language. Email is a pretty regular word in our vocabulary, but not for Sarah, apparently. She’s not as immersed in tech as David, but she definitely is surrounded by it.

Well, I guess she’ll learn eventually. Today was not the day for her to grasp either concept.

Danny is growing up and will be two on Memorial Day this year. He is a pretty sweet kid when he’s not cranky and “yelly,” as I say. But right now I have a nanny who has a pretty independent 3-year-old with her I finally decided to accept that nannies with kids can just bring them, a huge 180 from 3 years ago–which by the way, happened again with a friend this time, not a nanny. (She subscribes to MyMommy and Me but I deactivated her subscription so she won’t even see this email. It probably wouldn’t be wise.) So many similarities: 3 years, communicating only via text, not around on Monday with the whole thing spiraling down on Tuesday, super close with kids (in fact, she was Sarah’s former teacher), walking out on miserable terms, happening right by the kids’ birthdays, not talking to each other at all, ball in her court, though she seems to have established finality that we’ll never talk again since she’s angry at something I didn’t do but she thinks I did, despite multiple clarifications and providing proof–yep, still kind of heated up about that one too as my actions are “unforgivable.” (Eventually, the former nanny did end up communicating with me and I got her a new job down the block. So much for me saying I wouldn’t help anymore!) But yes, I guess 3 (years) is not a lucky number for me.

Since this nanny has her kid with her, she calls her mother “Mommy.” And thus, Danny thinks that my nanny is Mommy. I’m not at all bothered by it, really. The nanny is going to ask her daughter to call her by her first name so that Danny gets it right with me. He does call me Mommy too, but he’s definitely confused, that’s for sure.

Yesterday, Danny figured out how to control a remote control car. It was fascinating to see what this kid could do. He’s done so many more things and has become the funniest kid. He eats his feet when you tell him to do something completely different. He runs like a little waddler. He is starting to talk and definitely repeats words, finally. He turns things off and on and understands what he’s doing. Alana and Danny really connect well together, and it’s great that they’re so close in age.

And that’s all for now. I need more cute posts with the kids using the wrong phrases, as those are the best. But they’re getting older now, and it will be harder to get.

I’ll have to figure out what content to put here. In the meantime, cute pictures are always being posted to Instagram.



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