Two or five.

Danny turned two on Monday. His speech is slightly delayed, but I’ve been teaching him to say how old he is. He now knows that he needs to show his hands (and orient them into two fingers, which he’s not yet able to do) and occasionally, he actually says “two.”

So Danny responds by holding up his whole hand, all 5 fingers, and he says “two.” If he says “two” at all.

Lately he just puts up five fingers and says “uh oh,” realizing that he can’t fix his fingers into a twos position. Sometimes he’ll fold his thumb over his palm to somewhat make it into a four, but not really. He’s pretty much 5 fingers and all.

Alana is our girly girl. She went to bed already and she’s wearing a little bracelet she got from Grandma and Grandpa that says her name. She loves that bracelet. I hadn’t realized she wears it all the time, to school and at home–and now even to bed.

Sarah’s YouTube channel is cute, for those of you who are interested in learning more about this LOL Lil Sisters and LOL Surprise Confetti Pop products (which, again, are quite rare and hard to get!)

Family and friends getting this via email: it would mean a lot to Sarah if you subscribe to her channel (thanks, Aunt Rebecca!) and like her videos. I’ve embedded only a few below. Some are longer than others; the bigger ball unboxing videos are more involved–more surprises. We don’t show her face since she’s still young. Below that are some videos from David’s channel (subscribe to that one too and give his videos some Likes, he’d appreciate it). Note that if you’re receiving this via email, you may have to click on the link above (“Two or five”) to see the videos. Thanks!


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