Seeing David.

I have to admit every single day how hilarious Sarah is. This girl is literally a little diva. I constantly say how much this girl could be on America’s Got Talent by virtue of how funny she is every single day, but we can’t exactly pinpoint a real talent she could truly act upon in a 90 second segment. Her sheer being is a talent. We all enjoy it quite much.

This Shabbos, David and Sarah were sitting across from each other at the dining room table as they always do. David sits next to Daddy and across from me, and Sarah sits next to me and diagonal to David. Some food container or something was blocking Sarah’s view of David, and she was quite frustrated! She made us move everything because she “wanted to see David.”

Yep, she’s adorable.

Today, she was mad because a box of cereal was blocking her view of the TV. In this particular case, that cereal box was within reach of her face and she could have simply pushed it out of the way with her hand, but I guess she’s regressing a bit now that she’s a middle sister and has a baby sibling that is truly being babied. It’s funny, though, to see how she reacts toward not seeing what she’d ideally like to see in front of her. And I still can’t get over the fact of how she had to see her brother during lunch on Shabbos. She absolutely adores him.

I hope the newest addition only amplifies this amazing sibling love dynamic.

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