Author name: Tamar Weinberg

Musings and Observations


Sarah has been wanting not to go to bed when it’s bedtime. Sometimes we let her cry it out, sometimes we take her for a bit, watch TV with her on our laps, and then put her back to bed (she’s usually okay after that). It doesn’t always happen, fortunately, but on those days that […]

Musings and Observations


Yesterday, we found an eyelash below David’s eye, and in observing the “here’s an eyelash, make a wish” tradition, I told David that it’s time to make a wish. “You can wish for more toys, a million dollars, or world peace,” I said. David thought. “I wish…. that my mommy keeps loving me.” The best

Musings and Observations

A Serious Conversation.

Today, I checked out a school for Sarah to go to in the fall. I then sat her down and told her about it. Our conversation went much like this: “Sarah, next year, we’re going to send you to school. Are you excited to go?” “NO! NOT walking!” is how she responded. “But that’s okay,

Musings and Observations


We have geese living across the street at the lake. Yesterday, they were taking a stroll down the sidewalk. Sarah was on my lap and spotted them. She said, “chicken!” Then the geese left and were out of sight. Sarah asks, “chicken go?” (Where did the chicken go?) To the lake, I guess. They poop

Musings and Observations

Tech Savvy.

Sarah has a lot of battery-dependent toys. Today, one of the toys’ batteries died. She knew right away that this was a problem, so she came up to me and said, “uh oh! Battey die!”

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