I’m listening to Sarah as she tells David that she wants to play with his toy. “I wanna do it,” she says. “Sharing is caring,” she adds. Where does this kid get all this stuff?!
I’m listening to Sarah as she tells David that she wants to play with his toy. “I wanna do it,” she says. “Sharing is caring,” she adds. Where does this kid get all this stuff?!
Here are some Sarahisms as it relates to her little sister. “The baby is moving!” – when the baby moves, regardless of whether she’s awake or asleep. My kids did not understand that babies could move in their sleep until recently. “The baby is looking to me!” – when the baby is looking around, regardless
So I just asked Sarah what holiday it is. “Monday,” she responded. “No. Try again. What holiday is it?” “Tuesday?” she asked. Yeah. Not so much, my little Chanukah dreidel.
Another Sarah-ism. Denise, Sarah’s occupational therapist, told Sarah, “Have a good first night of Chanukah tomorrow” and Sarah responded with “Okay! Shabbat Shalom!” Welcome to Sarahdise!
On Thursday night, David saw the Best Buy logo. He goes, “Look, mommy! Bed, Bathroom, and Beyond!”
David just came into the room to tell me the below, verbatim, about his and Sarah’s ages (Sarah is two, David is five): “Sarah plus Sarah is four because there’s a two in each of them. And David plus David is ten.” Very very true. This kid loves his math.