Musings and Observations


David isn’t allowed to watch TV at times. We don’t want it on school nights or school mornings. This morning, like every other school morning, David “forgot” and had the TV on at 6am which is ridiculous in itself. By the time I came downstairs, I was disappointed and told him to get ready for […]

Musings and Observations

Funny Things That Happened.

So last week, we bought an 18oz bottle of Aveeno body wash. David’s been taking a shower by himself since he turned 5, and he apparently doesn’t really know what to do with body wash. In one single shower, he used the whole bottle. Better stated: so my 5 year old used an entire 18oz

Musings and Observations

16 Handles.

David has been given this motivational behavioral “money jar” to raise funds for a trip to 16 Handles. His friend today gave him something like $0.82 that he added to his already growing collection of coins. Today, David made a comment, “When I get a lot of money in my jar, I’ll bring it to

Musings and Observations

Trying to be funny, or insanely smart.

I really should consult with a pediatrician on this, but Sarah has this really keen sense of observing I’ve never seen before. While she recognizes objects as a whole, she is also keenly aware of parts of the object. For example, we read Picture This by Alison Jay, a gift from our aunt Mindy and

Musings and Observations

Where does milk come from?

Asking a two year old questions will often see funny answers. This morning, I asked Sarah “where does milk come from?” Her answer: “a cup.” Of course, David was able to correct her. Yesterday, David’s counselor from camp called me to tell me he’s brilliant and knows all about gravity and the high tide and

Musings and Observations

So this is happening.

So we are having a third and we just found out the gender (not telling!). There’s a picture of something and David’s trying to figure out if it’s a boy or a girl. He points to the picture and he says “is it a p—-?” and I say “I can’t tell you that because then

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