Coronavirus from a child’s eyes.

Here are some questions and answers from all the kids.

1. What is the Coronavirus?
David, age 10: it is a virus
Sarah, age 8: it is a tiny little ball that’s pink
Alana, age 5: [thinks for 3 minutes] A virus?
Danny, age 3: I don’t know

2. Who is the president?
David: Donald Trump
Sarah: uhh, let’s see. (Thinks) Donald Trump. That right? Lizzy always talks about him 😂
Alana: I don’t even know what “president” means
Danny: (shrugs)

3. How many days have we been in lockdown?
David: two months and eleven days?
Sarah: umm. 7 weeks? Mommy, what days did we go? (The answer is 73 days.)
Alana: uh… 43?
Danny: I don’t know!!!

4. Do you want to go back to school?
David: no
Sarah: I don’t want to go back to school but I don’t want to work on the computers anymore.
Alana: yes
Danny: yes

5. Who is the first person you are going to hug when lockdown is over?
David: I don’t know
Sarah: I think Morah Kim would kiss me and hug me
Alana: I don’t know
Danny: mommy

6. Where is the first place you want to go?
David: restaurant
Sarah: to get ice cream when this coronavirus thing is over
Alana: Hershey Park
Danny: the playground over there somewhere

7. What do you think we can do to get rid of the Coronavirus?
David: I don’t know, stay home? Nobody congregate?
Sarah: everyone get tested and they go to the doctor
Alana: look if everybody’s better
Danny: I don’t know

8. Is mommy a good teacher?
David: yes
Sarah: you’re not a teacher
Alana: you’re not even a teacher!!!
Danny: yes

9. How did the Coronavirus start?
David: a bat
Sarah: with a man in China. How did that man get coronavirus?
Alana: people got sick and they gave other people the sickness.
Danny: the bugs came out of your hair

10. If you had to wear protective clothing to help you what would it be?
David: a mask, I don’t know
Sarah: I would say astronaut clothing is very protective
Alana: a mask
Danny: a mask

11. Are you enjoying lockdown?
David: a little bit
Sarah: no. Yes. No and yes. I just feel like I like it but I don’t like it.
Alana: no, cuz it’s not fun. I really miss my friends and I really want to go to Hershey Park!
Danny: yes

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