Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Good as New.

David found one of Sarah’s little balls in the dirty fireplace today. (We don’t use the fireplace.) He said, “It’s dirty, I have to wash it.” I didn’t object. Then he came back with a wet ball and he said, “It’s good as new.”

Musings and Observations


Chanukah was last month, but that doesn’t stop David from singing Chanukah songs. I’m glad his memory is finally there that he remembers things. Note to the other sisters and brothers in law reading this: your kid will forget everything you teach him, even if you taught him to do it every single day. Case

Musings and Observations


David just told me, “Today we made babies.” Realizing that he didn’t mean what we adults do, I was not sure how to approach that question. I said, “what do you mean, you made babies?” “I made babies. I made a happy face, color, and I also made googly eyes. We didn’t do the blanket,

Musings and Observations


David: “Inside your fingers is blood. There’s blood everywhere. Why doesn’t the food go everywhere?” Daddy: “Keep eating, David.” Eventually he had to cave, telling David, “the food turns into blood.”

Musings and Observations


David and I were reading a bedtime story and there was a heart in it. David immediately called attention to the heart, and then asked me where our human hearts are located. I told him where it is. He then asked, “when we eat food, does it go down to the heart and then to

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