Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations


Sarah had insomnia last night. She wanted to play and play and play. She was the happiest baby who didn’t want to sleep. If we didn’t have things to do today, I’d totally have caved and given into her playfulness. It was adorable. But eventually, like all things, we had to get her to turn […]

Musings and Observations


We have a fly in the house. The little critter really wants to get out. I was upstairs changing Sarah’s diaper when David noticed there was toy, usually found downstairs, on the floor of Sarah’s room. I think he brought it there, but he must’ve forgotten. So he asked, “why is that on the floor?

Musings and Observations


David: “Why does Sarah have a tushy in the front?” — David woke up this morning and told me the following. “I had a dream that yesterday, Bobbie and Zadie came over, and Stacey too, and we went to the beach, and Daddy hold me in the water from the waves.” — Sarah has been

Musings and Observations


David got a really cool Thomas the Train headlight thingy for Chanukah. It’s in this plastic and he can’t open it, so he came up to me and asked that I do so. I whipped out my pocketknife to try to take a stab at it (almost literally). He saw me take it out, and

Musings and Observations


One of the unpredictable things I’ve encountered this year at David’s school is that he takes yoga! He started coming home practicing all of these poses. Here is what he’s learned so far in school. This is tree: This is doggy: This is butterfly: This is table: This is lion: This is caterpillar: And this

Musings and Observations


Sarah is discovering more about her mouth. One of the things she does often is she sucks in a lot — I think she likes the taste of her lips. David heard her and he said, “Sarah’s blowing kisses!” Well, that’s one way to put it!

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