Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations


It’s raining. David just asked, “Why does Hashem make it rain? I don’t like rain.” David just saw his picture on this site. (For those of you receiving this via email, might be nice to visit the site every so often.) He said, “is that Sarah?” They kind of look alike. 🙂

Musings and Observations


David loves his current school. It’s a red school building. It’s so good that we still go there despite moving out of the county and out of New York City. It’s really an excellent education and we love it. But with change comes the necessity to figure out where to send David next year. Apparently,

Musings and Observations

Complex Questions.

David is starting to ask and understand the basics of complex questions. He knows why people have to go peepee. He said that it’s because the food goes through the body to their toes and some of it comes out as peepee. Last night, both Brian and I were trying to get six month old

Musings and Observations

Daddy’s Birthday.

Today is Daddy’s birthday. Brian told David about his birthday this morning, to which David responded that we should get a cake. Brian told David, “I’ll tell Mommy to get one.” David wasn’t satisfied. He said, “No, it’s YOUR birthday, YOU should get it!”

Musings and Observations


David was in school today and his teachers went around the room asking the children what they were thankful for. When it was David’s turn, he said “my baby sister Sarah.”

Musings and Observations

Being Like Daddy.

David: “[When I grow up], I want to have hair on my arms like Daddy.” Me: “You like Daddy, right? He’s the best.” David: “And I want to be a doctor like Daddy.” Me: “But Daddy isn’t a doctor.” David: “Oh.’

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