Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Getting Little.

Since I gave birth to Sarah, I lost 26 lbs (unless you want to count when I was actually pregnant – that would have been a 38 lb loss!). David seems to notice. This morning, he tells me, “You’re getting little, mommy.” I was confused. Was I getting old? Am I shrinking? I asked what […]

Musings and Observations


David has some hilarious stories when it comes to using gender references. About 10 days ago, David addressed me as “sir.” I told him I wasn’t a sir, that he should call me “ma’am.” He goes “Mommy’s not a man! Daddy’s a man!” Fast forward to today. I don’t normally turn off my computer, but

Musings and Observations

Learning to Spell.

Today, David wrote his name on his LeapPad. “Divd,” it said. Hey, he’s 3 in 3 days. I am impressed that he’s come this far this early. The LeapPad also has this little section where you photograph your various emotions, from happy to sad. He asked Daddy to be the person who illustrated a “mad

Musings and Observations

Big Brother.

David went to school for the first time today as a big brother. He came home with this super crown. He walked in and said hello to mommy and ensured that I would see his hat. Then, he said, “I need to show bunny bear.” And that he did. He walked up to his little

Musings and Observations

David’s Little Sister.

Sarah Leya (named after my grandmother who passed away in January — with nods to Brian’s grandmother and my great grandmother as well) was born on Friday night, May 11, 2012, at 11:44pm. She was 6 lb 10 oz and is a beauty. The difference between the labors: David’s Labor: started at 33 weeks and

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