Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Where Does He Learn This?

I just showed David a photo of a chameleon and he says “they always change colors.” I didn’t teach him that. How did he know? (He won’t answer it.) This morning, David saw my friend Masayo whose son, James, is around David’s age. I said to him “Masayo is mommy’s friend.” David said, “James is […]

Musings and Observations

Learning French.

David’s favorite “teddy” of all time is Bunny Bear. He got it from Aunt Rebecca when he was just a day old, and while he wasn’t truly interested in little plush animals when he was a very young baby, according to the book The Baby Sleep Solution, one of the ways to train a child

Musings and Observations

Continually Vocal.

Daddy had some plastic piece on his arm near his elbow. I noticed it but didn’t think to say anything (it’s been one of those days where life is a blur … and it’s probably related to David waking up repeatedly at 6am because its gets light out — more on that later). Anyway, when

Musings and Observations


David is pretty much fully potty trained. Tonight, I couldn’t bathe him (nor could Daddy since he’s not even home yet and it’s almost 11pm) so I put David to bed in his underwear that he wore all day. I am pretty confident after it being 2+ weeks at night (with one accident — and

Musings and Observations


David is currently playing with Daddy’s TouchPad and is enjoying Google Maps. I asked him where he wanted to go, and he said “on the choo choo train, then out to lunch, and then go home.” The other day, I told him it was a leap year. He asked “why a leapeater?” I also told

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