Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Potty Training.

After one-off potty training attempts that didn’t materialize into much, we are on day two of the three day potty training method. I must say that I thought this potty training stuff would never happen, but we’ve already experimented with underwear and pull-ups and the occasional visit to the potty so he understands the concept […]

Musings and Observations

Super Bowl Sillies.

Yesterday, we had a little get together with some friends for the Super Bowl. During halftime, Brian excitedly told David, “it’s halftime!” David thought we were referring to “bath time” and was quite disappointed that we weren’t. Toward the end of the night, David was on all fours so we told him to try to

Musings and Observations

You’re Going to Hollyworld!

We started watching the American Idol auditions (my favorite part is quite honestly the flops but this season doesn’t seem to have too much of those). The best part for David is when they get 2 or 3 “yeses” which takes the singers to the next round in Hollywood, CA. At the end of a

Musings and Observations

January 2012.

Name: David Jacob Nickname? I don’t have one. Age: 2 and a half, or more specifically, 2 years, 7 months, 2 weeks Weight: 26 lbs now, maybe? Shoe Size: Don’t ask. We’ve had the same shoes for like a year now and they still seem to fit. Siblings: None. But… Current Residence: I still have

Musings and Observations


Yesterday, my little guy turned 2.5 years old. We took him to the zoo so he could learn all about the animals. He saw tigers (and loved them), bears, polar bears (a sleeping one), giraffes, stinky ostriches, mice, a chinchilla (he seems to love those), peacocks, some bird breeds, and ducks. But I think the

Musings and Observations

Jewish Pride.

We’re raising David to understand his Jewish culture. Like there’s an alphabet song for the English ABCs, there’s also one for the Hebrew alphabet. For those who don’t know much about the Hebrew language, there are two pronunciations in the Hebrew language: Sepharadi and Ashkenazi (depending on where you were born and raised). We’re Askhenazi

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