Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations


About 2 months ago, we took one of the sides of the crib down and put on a rail that David can squeeze through if he wants to get in or out. The goal was for him to assert a little independence and not necessarily have to scream ‘mommy! daddy!’ when he wakes up. That […]

Musings and Observations


Today, mommy had to give David a bath because Daddy has to work from 8:30pm until after midnight. Mommy didn’t exactly rush the bath but had to tell David that he could only color in the bathtub (using his colored soap crayons) for another 10 seconds because “mommy’s head hurts.” David immediately perked up and

Musings and Observations

Overheard by Daddy.

The other day, we had a hurricane in our midst. Irene came and went and thankfully there wasn’t much damage. On Monday night, the TV was on and they were talking about the “storm.” No mention of hurricane or Irene was given. All of the sudden, David shouted, “hurricane!” Daddy was watching a TV show

Musings and Observations


David is getting smarter and smarter by the day and it’s incredible to see how many strides he’s been taking as of late. I mentioned how he has an obsession with question marks and carets but he’s showing an increased interest in the alphabet and knows the following letters: E, L, M, S, and W.

Musings and Observations

Drew Barrymore.

David was adorable today. When watching 50 First Dates on TV, Daddy told him that the actress was “Drew Barrymore.” David decided to say “Drew Mommymore!” But then I said “what about Drew Daddymore? That sounds more similar.” He decided to go on and say, “Drew Davidmore!” He also has great manners. He can say

Musings and Observations

First Words of Morning.

David’s little wake-up chants are funny as heck. This morning, it was “mommy, where are you!” Yesterday, it was “no change diaper.” David is currently on my lap. He sees pictures of people my Facebook sidebar and points to them: “David!” (not always), “mommy!” (he usually gets this right), “that one?” (he has no idea

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