Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Cute Confusion.

David is picking up on his vocabulary and understanding of things in the world. However, for him, some things are still confusing: Toes vs. socks. Sometimes he hurts his foot and says “hurts socks!” Nope, little man, your toe hurts. Not your sock. He does understand what a sock is, but he thinks that once […]

Musings and Observations

Cute Little Naughty Pants.

My little cutie pie LOVES trains. It’s partially due to his dad — fine, it’s all due to his dad. We have a really nice view and see a lot of trains, planes, automobiles, and even boats from where we live. David stands on a little kid chair for about 5-15 minutes here and there

Musings and Observations

Holy Cuteness!

Yesterday, right before dinner, David said he was hungry. I said to him “you must be so hungry you can eat a cow! Tell me that you’re so hungry you can eat a cow!” Fast forward to breakfast time and David just said “tummy,” illustrating that he was hungry. Then he added, “eat cow!” What

Musings and Observations

Scare Tactic.

Today, we got a package with a big box (in case you’re wondering, the amazing Learning Resources teaching cash register David got for his birthday was DOA, and the excellent customer service sent David a replacement free of charge!). Before bedtime, David did his little antics and decided to not come with me to the

Musings and Observations

Early Interest.

David has been expressing interest in letters. He’s had an interest in numbers too (sometimes he says “letter 2!” and we have to correct him) so we’re going to buy flashcards. They’re actually recommended for kids ages 3 and up, and David is 25 months and 2 days old, so I’m proud of his developmental

Musings and Observations

My Brilliant Boy.

Tonight was like any other night with a few notable and memorable exceptions. David celebrated his birthday on Sunday and we got these amazing Yo Gabba Gabba wall decals for the party which I then moved to his room. He’s so excited about them. Tonight, I decided to read his two story books, Night Night

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