Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Last Day of One.

The little guy is almost two. Tomorrow is the special day! He won’t tell me his age, and lately everything I ask of him is met with “no!” so I can tell he’s growing up. I just registered for a preschool. May the real world teach him as well as his mommy. 🙂

Musings and Observations

Mommy’s Lips.

David has his mommy’s lips. They’re big lips and the top lip is very full. This past season when it was cold, his lips would chap and you’d see obvious skin peeling on the top lip. I’d usually pull it off, since it was distracting to me and I’m sure it bothered him as well.

Musings and Observations

Smarts and Sillies.

David continues to grow everyday. He is now counting to 12. He likes to count to six and then goes “yay!” I ask him, “how many raisins do you have?” He understands the question but doesn’t answer by actually carefully counting. He always has to count six items. Or four. And he’ll skip one or

Musings and Observations


We checked out a preschool the other day. There were pros and cons. First, my kid is so much smarter and well behaved than most of the kids a year older than him. I’m terrified of sending him to an establishment that will make him more immature or stupider. 🙂 I don’t expect that to

Musings and Observations

Second Pair of Shoes.

The little guy got a pair of ecco shoes today, which are known to be pretty expensive and high fashionable shoes. We bought them for $10 at this store called Footprince in New Jersey as part of its going out of business sale. We had this $10 coupon card so the shoes were originally $20

Musings and Observations


Just a few months ago, I was thinking at how my kid couldn’t do anything. In the past few months, he’s grown up so much that I honestly started treating him like he’s much older. When I saw his little innocent face looking out the window the other day in the car, I realized I

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