Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Current State of Affairs.

Name: David Jacob Nickname? I am still getting used to being called David. Age: 21 months, 16 days. Weight: Somewhere around 22lbs. Shoe Size: 4 or 4.5? Siblings: None! Current Residence: Riverdale! Occupation: Just a little kid. Schools attended: I don’t go to school yet. But sometimes I have class. I had gone to Shir […]

Musings and Observations

I’ll Be Good!

A few days ago, the little man was trying to climb on his father’s lap. He kept saying, “I’ll be good! I’ll be good! I’ll be good!” Brian was taken by this little guy’s persistence, so he let him up on his lap. Immediately, little David wasn’t very good. We were actually impressed; this must

Musings and Observations

Potty and Crayons.

The little kid has blossomed in the past few months. He’s finally walking, and thankfully, he started at an age where babyproofing is not entirely necessary. I think he possesses an understanding of most things so he knows not to touch things. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t listen, like, for example, with the television, which he now

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