Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Dream Walking.

David doesn’t want to start walking yet. That’s fine with me! But last night, I had a long dream of him starting to walk all over the place, and it wasn’t pretty. 🙂 Walking seems to be imminent, though, but he doesn’t want to stand and balance himself. I’ve been practicing for fun, and he […]

Musings and Observations


For the last few days, David has been saying “byebye,” so I think we’re ready to say that it’s his real first word. He says it at the appropriate times, too, and less frequently at inappropriate times. It’s super cute. A few days ago, he was crawling out of the room, so I said, “David,

Musings and Observations

One Nap a Day.

We’re at the point of our lives where one nap a day is apparently the new norm. I think I noticed it this week; I put him in the crib where he was perfectly content and chatting amongst his teddy bear and blanket for about an hour. Then he’d get hungry and want out. In

Musings and Observations

Things My Son Did This Week…

Year one is off to a good start. Here is what the little munchkin started doing yesterday and today: Waving byebye. It’s more of an open and closing of the hand, but it’s super cute. Pointing. I was giving him small pieces of a cheese sandwich for lunch and he finished his pieces, so he

Musings and Observations

Mr. Mischievous

Today, little sir David, one week before his birthday (9 days, to be more precise), decided to run amok and cause a little trouble. These are all firsts. 🙂 He turned off the TV while I was watching it. He turned off my computer, and that’s not really an easy feat. You have to hold

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