Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations

Crawls with his Elbows.

In September, I blogged about babies being born left and right. It’s December and I’ve heard of about the same number of newborns arrive in the last few weeks alone. It’s incredible. Of course, I only know a subset of families in the world, but wow, the second wave has mostly consisted of seconds — […]

Musings and Observations

The Weight Loss Problem.

Okay, so in August, I lied. I was on a diet where I was counting calories (well, sort of), and I really didn’t achieve results, mostly because the Jewish holidays came and if any of you know how Jewish holidays go, you know that they’re laden with home-cooked meals and yummy goodness. I didn’t really

Musings and Observations

Dreading the Crawl.

David is not crawling yet, but he’s getting quite close. He can prop his weight on hands and knees – he can move his hands, but he hasn’t figured out what to do with his knees. He maneuvers himself with hands only at this time and drags his feet with him. He’s starting to get

Musings and Observations

Mommyblog Rant.

This doesn’t fit anywhere but here, even though it’s not really related to me. For a project I’m working on, I’m doing some blogger outreach. This month, we decided to reach out to mommyblogs. As someone who has a few affiliations, I’ve be on the receiving end of requests for “can you sponsor me for

Musings and Observations, Products

Pea Eater.

I entered David in a contest on the first day he ate his peas (yesterday). He cried a ton when eating his peas, but this was one of the calmer moments. Today, he was much better and more receptive to peas. I guess it still holds true that it’s an acquired taste!

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