Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations


I was not home when it happened, but Sarah cut her finger yesterday. Brian explained it as a “freak accident.” He said that Sarah had been eating yogurt and pulled the foil top off of the yogurt but accidentally left a few centimeters of foil on the top and then conveniently sliced her finger. She […]

Musings and Observations


It is 9am. Today is the first day of President’s Week break for the older two. They played this morning, and I’m already hearing from Sarah that she’s bored. “It’s boring, mommy. What do I do?” she asked. I gave her a hug. I didn’t really know. “Mommy, it’s boring,” she repeated. “Okay, go read

Musings and Observations


I play a game that’s kind of like Candy Crush but better. It’s called Cookie Jam. I’m sort of an addict. I often lose the level, only to have to get right back at it again. Sarah watches me play. Sometimes we play together; I guide her how to move the pieces. Even with that,

Musings and Observations

All about Sarah, Alana and David.

Today is my birthday. Sarah thinks I am 24. I’ll take it. If I had my 24 year old body… I decided to bond with my little (big) girl this morning by asking her how she’s doing in 2017. She can’t read this stuff yet, but she’s starting to understand the letters and she is

Musings and Observations


Yesterday, Brian’s aunt and uncle came over. Marcy uses a seeing eye dog, a big golden retriever named Pebbles. When they first came into the house, Alana pointed at the dog, and said gleefully, “horsey!” Not exactly. But it’s a good thing she’s beginning to talk.

Musings and Observations


Sarah started camp on Monday. She is having a great time! She is in a co-ed group with 2 girl counselors, if I recall, and 2 boy counselors. I asked her today if she remembered her counselors’ names. “Bread.” “Bread? You mean Brad?” “Bread! His name is Bread!” No matter what I say to her,