Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations


It might be too early to tell, but I think we’ve experienced another baby booming generation. I know perhaps 30 couples — and these are personal friends, for the most part — who have had babies this year, mostly since March or April. When I was pregnant at SXSW, there are a few other pregnant […]

Musings and Observations

Big Milestone.

Since last week, David has been trying to turn over from his back to his belly. He stops on his side though with his arm securely propped under his body, not realizing that he needs to move it to turn over. He really doesn’t understand his arms or hands; they’re still clenched in fists. This

Musings and Observations

Two Weddings.

I think besides my uncle’s wedding when I was a flower girl in 1985, I haven’t been to any other weddings until I reached college-age and the proposals to my friends came pouring in.  I remember having five weddings in one summer! Yet David has already been to two weddings this month alone!  One of

Musings and Observations, Products


On Tuesday, we weighed the baby on one of our purchases that probably didn’t make sense, the One Step Ahead Digital Baby Scale. He weighed 12.34 lbs (no, this thing doesn’t weigh in ounces). We figured that’s as good a milestone as any so we’re celebrating here. 🙂 But it was a wasted purchase, because

Musings and Observations

Mommyism, 2 Months in.

We’ve hit the two month mark just a few days ago. It’s insane to think that I’ve been a mommy (and a geeky mommy at that) this long. I’ve been at this for what seems like forever and it feels also like it’s never ending. But at the same time, it’s already certain that I’m

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