Musings and Observations

Musings and Observations


It seems like an eternity ago when I was pregnant, hobbling in pain and wondering when my baby, who seemed so foreign inside of me, would come out. (I actually remember getting light-headed at the 21 week ultrasound since the realization of blood flow and movement that isn’t part of me scared me to death!) […]

Musings and Observations

Closing In.

It’s so weird to say what I said on FriendFeed today: I’m supposed to be 39 weeks pregnant today. Instead, I have a 5-week-old baby. Insane. I still look at this kid and wonder in amazement and bewilderment that he actually came from me (and my husband, of course). The things I love about it:

Musings and Observations

Fighting for Pregnancy Privileges.

I may be a mother to a four-week old son (time is already flying — yes, he’s four weeks old today!), but as a woman who was pregnant and living in a metropolitan area, I feel that I should comment on the issue of rights for pregnant women, especially on public transit. I wrote about

Musings and Observations

Workaholism and Mommying.

My name is Tamar and I’m a workaholic. Throughout my life, my focus was always about my “day job,” be it school or work. When I knew I was going to be a mother, I didn’t expect to change my way of life. In fact, before the baby was born, I told my supervisors that

Musings and Observations


One of the biggest hurdles of motherhood for me is definitely communication with the baby. I’m having difficulty noticing what he wants and may be a little too impatient at times to even notice the cues. For example, someone brought to my attention that if I rub my child’s face when trying to feed him

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